A Psychological Reset Button


What makes the New Year so special?

It is like a “psychological reset button” that triggers something within us.

The start of a new year evokes a range of emotions for many people.

Some of us may feel overwhelmed by the hustle and bustle of holiday preparations or end-of-year work tasks, while for others, this time of year is seen as a defining moment that can alter their perspective on life and have a profound impact on their future. Additionally, it presents an opportunity to leave the past behind and start fresh with a renewed sense of purpose.

However, for some, it may also bring feelings of nostalgia as they reflect on the events of the past twelve months. It is a time for introspection, to contemplate the highs and lows, the successes, and failures, and use the experiences to guide the year ahead.

Our hearts are filled with hope and optimism as we embark on this new chapter. Do you agree?

I wish you all a happy New Year!

What are your plans for New Year’s Eve?

“Are you in the mood for a lively night with pulsating beats and vibrant lights, or perhaps a warm and intimate evening spent reminiscing with family? Maybe you’d prefer to engage in enlightening conversation, and share laughter with your closest friends around a crackling bonfire, or enjoy a serene moment by the calm waters of a secluded lake beneath the twinkling stars and the soft glow of the moon. Or do you plan to retire when your body signals it’s time for bed?”

As the countdown to the New Year begins, I will already be fast asleep, chasing my dreams for the year ahead. I may hear the sound of revellers screaming “Happy New Year,” cars honking, and distant chiming in celebration.

On January 1, 2024, I will wake up with a beaming smile to the warm rays of the sun and the cheerful chirping of the birds, just like I do every day.

I cannot say the same for a few of my close friends who still enjoy going all out to celebrate the new year. However, I will have to wait until tomorrow morning to see how they feel, as they may be exhausted or nursing a hangover from partying.

I can relate to this because there was a time when I used to eagerly anticipate and get excited about New Year’s Eve. These nights were filled with laughter, dancing until my feet ached, and indulging in a few more sips of bubbly. As the countdown to midnight began, we struggled to contain our excitement, holding onto each other as we watched the fireworks light up the sky with thousands of sparks.

However, the next morning, I would often wake up with a pounding headache, struggle to get out of bed, and feel mentally foggy. Despite my intentions to start the year off productively, I lacked the energy to even hold a conversation until noon.

As a result, I would often let the first day of the year pass by without accomplishing anything positive. Despite the pressure from my family and friends, I would justify my inaction by telling myself that I still had 364 days to chase my goals.

May I offer a suggestion? Please do not discuss your New Year’s resolutions or goals with family or friends, especially the ones who are overly critical. They will relentlessly pressure you and cause unnecessary stress.

Every January, I used to ask myself why I did not make any effort to follow through with my New Year’s resolutions. What did I prioritize in the past year?

In all fairness, I lacked the determination and passion to re-evaluate my life. I found the process intimidating and was afraid of making the wrong choices or unsure of how to approach it from a different perspective. Instead of confronting the issue, I would rationalize and say, I will kick-start the process at the end of the year. This led to many years passing by without any progress. Eventually, I learned to persevere and try again.

I have grown older, and the approach of a new year has become a time for reflection. Taking a step back and engaging in introspection helps me gain perspective on how I have evolved, become more conscious of what drives me, and pursue goals that align with my needs and interests.

However, that does not mean I have stopped enjoying myself. Now, when I go out for the night, I mentally prepare for a longer period of recovery the next day. It takes me an entire day.

I used to be able to stay up all night, but now staying up past midnight is a challenge for me. My loved ones will be happy to hear this, and it means I will stay out of trouble.

I have reduced my commitments as I have become weary of the busy lifestyle and the frequent social gatherings and events that used to occupy my schedule.

While I am the same old person, I have started being more unapologetically honest with myself and others. I have gained a better understanding of my achievable goals, and I feel great being surrounded by supportive family and friends. I am also learning to embrace new experiences and conquer challenges.

The start of the new year is going to be inspiring and exciting!

Thank you to all my readers for being a part of my journey!

May this New Year be your best one yet!



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Comments (4)

Love the writing and couldn’t agree more. Have not been to a new years party in ages, I make no resolution’s just take each day as it comes

Happy new year. Loved the piece.

Thank you. Happy New Year to you too.

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