When I found myself stumbling through the hidden traps of decision-making, I officially resigned from adulthood several times. Decisions shape our destiny, and decision-making is a skill at every…
Random Musing
Are you a morning Lark or a night Owl? The sleep-wake cycle and the positive and negative characteristics associated with being “Morning Larks” who go to bed early and rise…
As the sun rises, the roosters “cock-a-doodle-doo,” breaking the silence in the air. The coop door clangs opens and the roosters and chickens cluck out. “Come out, you big fat…
Grey in 50 or more shades and tones! The lockdown prompted new grey variants such as salt, pepper, pewter, silver, and charcoal. Grey is the colour of elegance, knowledge, and…
Me: How do I write this article without it being perceived as an “eccentric quirk?” Me: “Talking to yourself out loud” is common and socially acceptable. Me: Yes, positive “self-talk”…
Being the ‘middle child’ is hard, but it isn’t all bad. A middle child comes from a lifetime of patience, and perseverance and is a ‘one-person army.’ It is not…
Lub Dub, Lub Dub, Lub Dub. My morning alarm builds to a crescendo and BOOM, I’m alive and kicking! I’m best left alone for your own safety. It’s only on weekends…
We often hear people say, “I am blessed to have friends who still choose to be seen with me in public.” I have a bunch of them too, provided I…
What do you see in the mirror? Is it a “tell-tale sign” reflecting subtle reminders of the passing years? Aging is a part of life, so choose to be happy,…
Fairy tales are timeless. The intriguing tales and imaginary experiences continue to shape my life.