“Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow,” eloquently quoted by Author, Melody Beattie.
Gratitude is a powerful and positive emotion that involves being thankful and appreciative for everything and everyone in our lives.
While gratitude may come naturally to some, it can be a challenge for others. It is easy to feel grateful when life is going well, but what about during times of uncertainty and crisis?
As a child, I often said “Thank You” out of good manners. I was thankful for the thoughtful gifts and kind gestures from my family and friends, regardless of whether I liked them or not. However, I refrained from expressing my true feelings aloud, as I would either be prompted with a whisper in my ear, “What do you have to say?” or I get “that look.”
My parents taught me to meet social expectations, but I did not fully understand the underlying concept of gratitude behind these gestures. I was too young to comprehend the effort, thought, and time that went into doing something special for me.
Looking back, I realize that this was one of the ways my parents instilled in me the importance of being grateful and appreciating kind gestures from others. They would often share their own memorable experiences, where others went the extra mile to make it happen because they cared and loved them.
During my adolescence and teenage years, I often experienced waves of gratitude similar to mood swings. This was especially true during difficult times when things that I had taken for granted suddenly ceased to exist. I failed to see the value and appreciate the things that I had, and instead, I would feel a range of negative emotions such as disappointment, anger, and sadness. These emotions made it difficult for me to focus on the positives in my life.
However, I learned to take a moment to pause, and reflect. In doing so, I would remember all the wonderful moments and experiences that I had been blessed with. In moments of hopelessness, I discovered the extraordinary power of gratitude and appreciate moments of thankfulness even more. I came to understand the importance of adopting a grateful perspective to not be overwhelmed by temporary circumstances.
I was not a spoiled child, nor did I feel entitled. At that age, I was simply seeking independence and trying to establish my own identity.
It is alright to not feel grateful all the time, as some days are harder due to personal struggles or difficult circumstances.
In different stages of my life, I have come to appreciate the simple everyday things such as a warm cup of tea, a hug from a loved one, the air I breathe, a beautiful sunset, taking my time in the shower, getting that extra hour of sleep, finishing an incredible book, or sharing a laugh with a friend or a stranger holding the door for me. There are countless other things that I am grateful for as well.
Gratitude is not just about the big things in my life, but also about the small things and little moments.
This realization has led to a sense of gratitude that has shown itself in various ways. However, this change did not happen overnight. It was a gradual process that took years of practice to reach where I am today.
One of the tools that has greatly aided me on my journey is my diary, which I fondly refer to as my “Time Capsule.” Through my diary, I can revisit my yesterdays and reflect on my tomorrows. I document all my personal experiences, thoughts, and feelings, allowing me to express my deepest emotions that often go unspoken. When I look back at these entries, I can view them objectively and feel immense gratitude for how my interactions with people, objects, situations, and events have shaped me into the person I am today.
It would not be an exaggeration to say that practicing gratitude has been a transformative experience for me. It feels like an evolution of my consciousness and has given me a more positive and expansive perspective on my life.
With Gratitude comes Humility.
Gratitude has also humbled me, as I have come to realize that I am dependent on the support and love of my family, friends, colleagues, and even my pets. They fill my life with joy and fulfill needs that I cannot always fulfill on my own. I need to recognize, appreciate, and express gratitude for all the external sources that also sustain me.
In my field of Social Service, where I work with the underprivileged, I am constantly reminded of how blessed I am to have the basic privileges that I often take for granted. I am reminded of the acts of kindness that hold great value and appreciation through my interactions with people.
There is so much to be grateful for in life. I have gained valuable insight through observation, experience, and deep understanding that shifting my perspective can greatly impact my appreciation for life. Every person, place, and experience has played a role in shaping my journey.
Practicing gratitude requires space for reflection and contemplation. It has the power to turn what we have into enough and even more.
I have sometimes wondered if gratitude comes with age, but no! I believe it is from emotional maturity and a positive mindset.
Gratitude is a powerful emotion that has helped me build strong relationships and see things in a more positive light. When faced with challenges, I can shift my focus to the silver lining in the situation. This has made me a happier person and has greatly improved my overall well-being.
As the saying goes, “When you appreciate all that you have, what you have appreciates.”
Wonderful…as always. More power to your thoughts!
Lots of love…
Thank you so much Ajit.
Lovely article ma, really well written!
Thank you honey.