Are you prepared to say goodbye to 2022 and ring in the new year with all of its new possibilities? It is time to reflect!
2022 was an escape into the magical world of my blog Sabisquill “www.sabisquill.com” where I indulged in imagination and experienced a new reality.
Putting pen to paper has been a rewarding and amazing journey to finding what constitutes my “True Self” and sharing many of my experiences in ways that make me feel less alone. Sharing these stories sparked a connection and was empowering.
Although I was not courageous enough to feel vulnerable, it ended up being cathartic, and I was able to resonate with readers. I would always write down my thoughts but never share them with anyone but a select few.
My quill can be stubborn and not write what I am thinking, but ever so often, when all is silent, I hear my quill scratching on the paper with tales that encourage me to think and write differently.
Life experiences and sharing stories matter! Reminiscing is storytelling at its best and allows me to reflect on my experiences, be it aha moments, embarrassing and funny situations, annoying ones, and a few cautionary tales. I learned valuable lessons to last a lifetime.
There were “Plot Twists,“ and things did not always go according to plan. I had to hold back my hysteria and face the unsettling reality. Worrying did not change my life, but my actions within my power did!
When people say, “forgive and forget,” I respectfully agree to disagree. I have put a lot of effort into learning how to forgive so I can let go of all my emotional baggage. But I will not “forget” because the lessons that I’ve learned are a deterrent and not a tradition I wish to follow.
Phew! It’s draining when I have to interact with “energy guzzlers.” I am referring to toxic individuals. I no longer rent space in my head for them. Attempts only frustrate me, so I choose to spend as little time as possible with them to protect my sanity.
Then there are those with small ears and inflated egos. I smile and keep quiet because I now have the maturity to understand that some of their actions are driven by personal insecurities. I have never regretted my silence with them.
Setting boundaries and learning to say NO helped prioritize my needs over other people’s wants.
A far tougher challenge for me is technology. I am not tech-savvy, so I end up being digitally victimized almost every other day. I’m just not user-friendly!
For crying out loud, I now have these Lilliputian digital images stifling communication. When I’m trying to have a serious conversation, the other person responds with “Emojis.” My messages become interrogations as I try to elicit a response from the other person. Yelp! Please communicate with words! Just then, another emoji appears. I set my phone aside because I don’t want to be spitting nails.
I also have to deal with a few of my “selfie-obsessed” friends. It’s not easy but hoping it gets easier.
I’m terribly embarrassed by my awkward moments. I push doors that clearly say “pull” and try to pull when it says “push.” With both not working, I’m heading to look for a side entrance. Forgetting names come naturally to me and trying to remember names sends me on a mental spiral. What’s worse is when I call my doctor after looking up my symptoms on Google and being told by the nurse, “Oh, it’s you for a second opinion?”
Life is a beautiful journey, and I am enjoying the ride. Yes, it has been tough, and a lot of effort to break the barrier inside of me.
Life owes us nothing, and we need to take responsibility.
I feel incredibly grateful that my life imparted valuable knowledge, allowing me to move forward with compassion, acceptance, and no expectations. Being “True to myself” and “Being the best that I can” are the most important lessons I’ve learned.
Do you have a dream that you want to accomplish in life? Learn to live with passion, unleash your potential, be prepared to work hard, and don’t limit yourself. You will get there even if the odds may seem against you.
We need to go through the journey of ups and downs if we are to find the strength inside to overcome difficult situations, face reality, stop resisting, self-reflection, and forgiveness, to change our mental attitude that will change our life situation.
I have a simple recipe for you to follow. Add everything that gives your life meaning and value. Stir it well with love and kindness to make a smooth consistency, so it’s easy to swallow. Each of us has a unique flavour.
Life is too short to be anything but happy! To quote Erika Harris, “I’m less interested in why we’re here. I’m wholly devoted to while we’re here.”
What is your story?
I take this opportunity to thank my readers for your encouragement and thoughtful comments on my blog. Please continue to share your feedback and I’d love to hear from you on topics you would like to read.
Wishing you all a Happy New Year and may all your dreams come true! Be careful what you wish for!
Great insight and dil se… Yes, forgive we will, but forget even I won’t!!
Happy New Year and stay blessed always.
Thoroughly enjoyed this pod of reflection …so true … valuable insights for wholesome and authentic living!
Thank you so much Ram.
I’m reading this while waiting in a grocery line and I can’t help but smile ☺. I’m blessed to have you in life and to hear from you first hand. Keep on quilling as it’s always special & interesting like you . Wonderful write up as always, genuinely quilled from the heart ♥
Thanks Sharmi. 😘
Lovely read Sabita! Fantastic way to start 2023…such a wonderful time to live in the world….the key is to unlock its treasures as they flow by. Wishing you a wonderful new year!
Thank you Shalini. Wishing you all the best and a great 2023. 😘