My Endless Source of Love

Sabita 3

I am just back after visiting my kids and grandsons. The best trip ever! I had not seen them in 3 years. I feel a burst of energy, a strong sense of happiness, comfort, and gratitude.

Their transition into amazing adults with an immense sense of purpose and meaning makes me an even prouder mother. We message, video chat, and do whatever else to stay in touch, but what I yearned for was to spend time with them in person and share precious moments with my grandchildren.

I discovered so many more wonderful things about my 30+-year-old children. It was so refreshing to hear and learn more about their perspectives, taking values instilled in them and making them their own while pursuing and navigating their journey, and maintaining their distinct identity. Just watching them, I would get teary-eyed.

I cannot help but feel nostalgic when I recall the days when my life revolved around my children. I adore them, but I had my bad days when I would feel deep exhaustion, have fleeting thoughts of abandoning them, cleaning up their mess day after day, waiting for them to grow up, and then it was all over!

Do I long for those days? Yes, I do in very many ways and will surrender to my tiny army that once invaded the house. 

When did they grow up? What happened to the time? 

It seems like only a few years ago that they were in their twenties and I was worried if they were prepared for the hard knocks of life. I believed in them, even though it consumed my life. It is so rewarding that there is so much more to love about the person they have become.

However, nothing beats being a grandma! I feel a love unlike any other. I miss everything about my precious grandsons, including their hugs, kisses, high-fives, smiles, laughter, drawing and painting, and doling out treats. “Grandma” is music to my ears. They bring me so much joy and enrichment.

What I dreaded the most was seeing their ‘time-outs’ – not for the faint-hearted grandmas. There is no screaming, only a calm voice explaining to the child why time-out is necessary and why he needs the quiet time to calm down before returning to play. It worked like a charm!

Ahem! “Remember your discipline strategies with the children,” I hear someone say. My mind is now consumed by guilt. During utter chaos and in the trenches, I’d yell even louder than the kids, until one of them said, “Mom, you’re so loud, we can’t hear you.” That would silence me and allow me to regain control.

I must admit that I’m tickled pink thinking about when my grandsons will morph into teenagers. All I can do is assure my children that the struggles will not diminish the joy and happy moments that come with being a parent.

The most enjoyable moments were when I would sit around with my children, daughter-in-law, and son-in-law and talk about the past, their experience of life, and family history. The stories would flow and were incredible to reflect and recapture significant events in all our lives. This triggered memories, and we would connect, smile, laugh, and also talk about our share of disagreements and hurt feelings.

Other times, we were busy with endless rounds of wine tasting, barbecues in the backyard, playing family card games and board games, going on drives, watching old movies that we used to watch together, me cooking for them, and more.

I see the children are busy with their careers, taking care of the little ones, running a home, and everything else that goes on in their lives. I respect their space even more now and I just need to set my expectations and dependencies even more so now.

It is difficult to walk the fine line between interference and helping, so I must craft my words because they all perceive words differently. I do not want to intrude or nag; instead, just share my experiences. I will continue to offer them subtle advice and reminders.

All I can tell my children is to not settle for things that do not make them happy, to travel the world, to do everything they want to do, to save money, and to spend wisely. A little spontaneity is fine, but keep their decisions and actions in mind.

Love your siblings even if they say or do things that could be annoying. Nurture the relationship now, rather than waiting until later in life when it will fade away.

I understand phone silence is due to what is going on in their lives, but sometimes I need to hear, “Hello Mom…… are you doing?”

They are an indispensable part of my life and our acceptance and care for one another create a sense of security and support.

I am glad we made more beautiful memories to last a lifetime, or should I say, until we meet again!

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Comments (41)

Enjoyed the blog. Yes we should appreciate and be cautious about being not to be intrusive and be helpful. It important to know when to isolate and mingle. Good read!

Nice article for every parent.
Truth of life;

Hi Sabita!
So beautifully written. Being a grandmother is the most gratifying experience possible .
Having two grandsons myself I can understand the sentiments.
Wishing you many more happy times with your family.

Thank you Renuka. Wishing you the same.

A very simple rendezvous of how you have matured into an adult
Looking back
And realising every choice that you made
Wondering was it worth
Lovely writing dear Sabita

Well penned Sabita. Your words echo my thoughts, rather every parent or grandparents’ thoughts. Keep writing. Best wishes.

Beautiful and touching every string of the heart ❤️

Thanks Sabi for sharing your journey! Loved to read it…

Wow, Nothing but beautiful and touching the heart. I am so proud to call you my friend

That’s a beautifully worded account of your musings with your children and grandchildren. Wishing you more such fun times together where you create more beautiful memories that would last their lifetime.

Very nice 👌 well articulated hint of poignancy in essentially a happy anecdote

Well penned Sabita. Your words echo my thoughts, rather every parent or grandparents’ thoughts. Keep writing. Best wishes.

Thank you so much Chandra

You story is real but rarely told. So many of my shortfalls as a son became clear. It prepares me to deal with the shortfalls that may occur from my children. A sense of sadness a feeling that I will not be a fixture in their lives yet a sense of achievement in their independence.

Thank you Rajesh. You need to set your expectations of them and you will be fine.

Hi Sabita
You have penned the actual fact so wonderfully. Our kids are also grown up and we too feel the same. Enjoyed reading.

Thank you so much Srilakshmi.

Wonderful and straight from the heart! Nicely written too…as always!

You spoke for us all Sabita! Every word, emotion, thought…the article has expressed beautifully every mother’s feelings❤. God bless you and your lovely family always. Love you so much🥰

Thank you, Shalini. Lots of 😘🤗

Awesome write up Sabitha. Quite emotional. Looking forward to that stage of life. A sense of relief to see kids happy and busy with their lives as well as the lovely feeling of being a grandma.

Srividhya Sankaran

Very well put, real joy to read

Thank you so much Srividhya.

Hi Sabi
Loved reading your blog. Simple, profound & true ! Well articulated & straight from the heart.

So emotional to read this article ,helps you understand and compare with everything u go thru in these stages…

Thank you Kavitha. Life goes on!

Wow , good feeling to be a grandma at this young age.

Welcome back.
Superb with words as usual.

Thank you Raghavan. It’s good to pen my thoughts after a long break.

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