Shhhhhhh………………….hear the sound of silence?

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Until a few years ago, silence never appealed to me. Honestly, it made me uncomfortable, restless, and anxious.

What was I scared of? I felt a void of loneliness if I had to be alone, and I would drift away from the present and spiral with negative thoughts. It can be quite an unpleasant distraction.

Despite being a social being and perfectionist, there were times when nothing was fun anymore, and I began procrastinating. That is when I realized I needed to cultivate some peace and quiet in my life, gather my thoughts, and restore my physical and mental strength.

I find a comfortable spot, rest my back and close my eyes. My head reels with a constant chatter of voices about chores, rehashing arguments, analyzing situations, worrying about family and friends, and thinking about work, relationships, and other things, that diverts my attention in different directions.

I occasionally hear a small voice within say, “Hush, I have so much to say.” The voice becomes louder and more powerful.

All goes quiet and I feel a sense of stillness and inner peace. I trust the silence and let go of my resistance. The clanging, squealing, and pounding in my head fade away into the distance.  I’m back to the present, I see a canvas for my thoughts and I’m keenly observing myself.  I savour the silence and draw energy from this source of great strength.

Do you have trouble quietening your racing thoughts? Do you hear sirens wailing and your body scream for “quiet time,” and everything begins to snowball around you?

Silence restores calm, improves our relationship with ourselves, and provides an opportunity to observe, understand and accept our thoughts and feelings.

Finding moments of silence was difficult for me at first. I’d sit almost motionless in the hope of a miracle. For five minutes, then ten minutes, nothing happens. I’ve changed positions because I’m cramping, opened and closed my eyes in case I miss what I may see, stretched my arms and legs, and it’s all been a complete disaster. All I accomplished was to open the floodgates for my unwanted thoughts, which gushed in and caused even more distress.

Naah! I wasn’t ready to give up!

I’m back and this time I turn a deaf ear to my raging thoughts, no matter how hard they try to communicate with me. I stay focussed on my breathing, which gradually is all that I hear. I pay attention to my feelings, which calms my emotions, and provides me with much-needed clarity.

I discovered an entirely new world in me where I don’t surrender to my negative thoughts. The subtle power of silence is unimaginable!

Yet another great way to connect with silence is to be in nature!

I recently spent a weekend at a resort overlooking the harbour and decided to do nothing but relax, put my feet up and enjoy the silence of nature. What a shame that my appreciation for nature’s peace and calm has always been fleeting and quickly forgotten until the next time. However, this time, it was a beautiful journey filled with incredible revelations.

Nature thrives on silence and quiet reflection. I sat by the bay, absorbing nature’s wonders and how she nurtures her creations. This elicited silence, serenity, and introspection.

The sounds and sights of nature were deep, mysterious, and incredibly powerful.

The gurgling of the ocean water, the blazing sun peering down through the blue skies, the wind sighing through the trees, leaves rustling in the wind, seaweeds floating aimlessly in the water, storks resting on them to catch small fish, birds chirping and whistling, and squirrels scampering in the courtyard. The rain was just a pitter-patter, but the wind howled, trees groaned, and leaves soared through the air. At nightfall, the sky speckled with stars, and the moon shined like a lone pearl.

They were all brimming with stories to tell, wisdom to impart, and cosmic secrets to reveal. How can I express the joy of being alone with nature and becoming aware of my own existence and role in it all? My soul was at peace with my thoughts as I listened to nature’s symphony.

Certain things must be felt, not just seen or heard.

I returned home stronger and gained valuable perspective, knowing that my dreams can come true in infinite ways and that anything is possible.

Accepting that change is unavoidable. Staying inspired and remembering that life goes on. Pain and grief will fade with time, allowing me to grow stronger. Life is about having fun and doing what makes me happy. If my mind wanders,  I press the “reset” button.

When I’m silent, it is not for lack of reason. I’m listening, but I need some time to think and reflect, settle into the present moment to quiet my racing thoughts, stay open-minded, and make room for all the new information. I feel so much more secure amid the noise and uncertainties around me.

 Enjoy the silence. It has all of the answers!


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Comments (20)

Raghavan Raghavan

Very well said. Next time around try a concoction of silence with the presence of a true friend on such a trip and you will be amazed with the result. Well that’s what works for me quietly with just a friend who demands nothing.

Thanks. I had my younger sister with me and it worked out perfect.

Well said, Sabita!! Couldn’t agree more on the restorative, rejuvenating power of silence!

Well written .No doubt an honest expression which resonates with those with similar experience.
While the seaside or the hills may be ideal ,your home and workplace is no exception for transient moments of silence .
God Bliss !

Wonderful piece (pun intended)! I too spend a lot of time in silence…resonated nicely! Well written too. Keep at it!

S Srinivasan Asan

Very interesting blog
I found the dawn to dust narrative is excellent👏👍

Fantabulous narration!

Loved the writing and can relate very well to that. I truly enjoy every article you write as it comes from the heart and flows beautifully❤️

This really resonated, Sabita. When i was at a time of my life when i needed to heal, the silence and the beauty of nature in the mountain location where i lived, helped me immensely find that silence within me. Loved this piece!!

Beautifully expressed !

Very beautifully worded Sabitha. Yes, occassionally it becomes necessary to compel oneself to withdraw inwards and enjoy the silence. Quite a struggle for me i should say, however chanting and observing the breath have proved to be great techniques. And the effect it has had on my mental health is simply superb. Very positive. Wishing you such wonderful moments of pure bliss. More power to you. 👍

Thank you so much. Wishing you the same.

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